The Idea of Fear as Reflected in Shaw’s Saint Joan

  • Assist. Lect. Khawla Muzahim Ali College of Arts - Al-Iraqia University - Iraq
الكلمات المفتاحية: fear, terror, Saint Joan


       One of the major themes that Shaw explores in his works is the concept of fear and terror. Fear of revolution or reformation takes precedence over all other fears in his plays .This paper shows how Shaw had tackled this recurring idea of fear from change, reformation and revolution. It reflects Shaw’s philosophy that the essence of our changing human world is revolution and reformation. As a result, there are anti-revolutionary forces that are afraid of such revolutionary figures. For the sake of truth and social reformation, reformists do their best and even risk their lives. Joan of Arc, a historical heroine, is used by Shaw as a symbol for reformation and revolution. Those who dread such people, on the other hand, do everything they can to prevent people from using their sacred right to revolt against tyranny and injustice. The paper focuses on Saint Joan as Shaw's best work that deals with the fear of reformation.



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كيفية الاقتباس
Assist. Lect. Khawla Muzahim Ali. (2021). The Idea of Fear as Reflected in Shaw’s Saint Joan. المجلة الدولية للعلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية, (28), 158-178.