The Male Figure In James Joyce's "The Boarding House" , "Counterparts" And "Eveline"
Literature of the 19th century and even the first half of the 20th century has always given priority to the male figure and his dominant role in the family and the society. Through ages, women have been subject to the moods and characters of their husbands, fathers or even brothers. Women's life was at home, and if few of them started working, their role was limited. There was a clear imbalance between men and women. James Joyce is an Irish writer and a central figure in the modernist movement whose origins are to be found in the literature in the mere representation of reality but with a new emphasis on the unconscious with the works of Freud and others. This study will examine the role and image of the new male figure that fails to complete his duty whether as a father, or a breadwinner or simply a parent who gives affection and security to his children in James Joyce's short stories, "The Boarding House", "Counterparts" and" Eveline", the three of them published in his 1914 collection of short stories Dubliners.
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