Role of Graphic Art in Reducing Terrorism and Extremisms in the World: A Case study for Visual Art of Contemporary Iraq
Graphic art’s origin can be found since early origin of human being, when the primitive existence in the caves and forests and used cave wall to make fetish either to seek protection or as a means of prayer to God or to express their feelings and emotions over there, where they ware residing. Terrorism has become one of the most threatening scourges of societies. Iraqi artist also used the graphic arts as a weapon in its struggle as well as in national emergencies in past as posters and advertisement motivating and provoking interest of audience during their disunity in their regime. For the case study, contemporary Iraqi artworks were identified for the period (2015-2020) and (5) works were selected to cover the society of study. Results showed that the contemporary Iraqi artist cleared the echo of the dangerous phenomenon of terrorism, oppression, violence and the dispossession of rights (samples 1, 2 and 4). The contemporary Iraqi artist represented the situation realistically until his visual works became clear as if they were clearly telling realistic stories (samples 3 and 5). It had now become the most powerful weapon to alter the existing concept of public at a mass scale and has deep effect on mentality of people. This can also be used to reinforce the brain of terrorist and extremist, with a motivational ideas and a sympathetic approach to bring back them towards the mainstream of nation.
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